Red Fish Blue Fish

Soviet Russia, 1963.

An unkown entity has hacked into a soviet missile and aimed it at the United States.

With minutes before Mutually Assured Destruction, US military industrialist Arthur Blackmark and Soviet nuclear commander Alexi Popolovski race against the clock to save the world from nuclear annihilation.

But little do they know this threat is just the beginning of a much bigger crisis - one that will change the course of history forever.

A Millenial Take on the Cold War

Red Fish Blue Fish is the first feature film by writer/director AJ Martinson III.

Written at age 21, the film brings a millenial's perspective to Cold War politics and their impact on modern society.

"This film is extremely relevant in a modern context. The Cold War defined the United States, politically, socially and economically. You look at the struggles we face today, on a day to day basis, they all trace their origins back to decisions made during the Cold War. ”

-- AJ Martinson III

For we are opposed around the world by a vast and monolithic conspiracy..."
President John F. Kennedy

Based on Historical Events

During World War 2, The United States turned, for the first time in it’s history, to private industry to manufacture it’s weapons; giving birth the to military industrial complex.

By 1963 the military industrial complex had ammassed significant wealth and power. War became synonymous with profit and political manipulation kept income flowing.

The Cold War became the perfect model for wealth, as military industrialists created a perpetual, dangerous and vastly expensive arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Today, over sixty years after the end of World War 2, the armaments industry remains one of the largest global industries in existence. Expanding beyond American warefare, military contractors provide weapons and troops to aide foreign wars and foreign nations, often supplying our enemies with weapons manufactured in the United States.

Red Fish Blue Fish is the first feature length film to tackle the Cold War from the perspective of the military industrial complex. It’s an origin story, showing the massive power and influence these companies have had over the course of modern history.

It’s a genre defying, slow-burn thriller in the vein of Michael Mann and Neal Stephenson, steeped in the paranoia and fear of global politics during the Cold War.

It’s an independent film with massive, global, steaks and consequences, weaving together two continents, three main characters and thirty years of history.

Technical Specs:

Built By Incredible People

Red Fish Blue Fish is crafted by the best unkown talent in Hollywood.

From industry veteran 1st AD Joe Brown (aka Dr. Dre's first AD) and sound mixer John Taylor (Saw, The West Wing) to first time producer Gabby Magpanty (Graduate, LA Film School), the film's diverse cast and crew brought A-Level production to the Ultra-Low Budget, independent genre.

Key Crew of Red Fish Blue Fish

AJ Martinson III

Gabrielle Magpantay

Nicholas Matthews

Eric Rafael Ibarra
Production Designer

Gabrielle Jane Giarrusso
Costume Designer

Alondra Shields
Key Make-up Artist

The Cast of Red Fish Blue Fish

Arthur Blackmark
Jeff Hatch

Timothy Daniels
Kaiwi Lyman Merserau

Alexi Popolovski
Corey MacIntosh

Gerald Hillcrest
John-Henry Richardson

Adviser Scathe

William Albrecht
Timothy Oman

Natia Popolovski
Claudia Zielke

Anya Popolovski
Brenna Piller

Anya Popolovski (1983)
Lana Gautier

Contact Red Fish Blue Fish

For Distribution, Press and All Other Inquiries

Section 3 Films
(626) 720-4734